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Mau Balik Lagi ke Disney Explorers Lodge Hong Kong

Tentang The Journale

Dibuat di awal tahun 2017, The Journale adalah blog baru milik Josefine Yaputri (Sefin) yang berfokus pada tema Travel dan Lifestyle (Beauty, Fashion, Health and Fitness, dll).

Sebelumnya, Sefin menulis di blog Senja Moktika sejak tahun 2012 yang kini hanya berisi tulisan bertema Fiksi (termasuk kumpulan Cerita Senja dan Banyu) dan cerita-cerita personal.

Selamat membaca!

About The Journale

Started in the beginning 2017, The Journale is the new blog written by Josefine Yaputri (Sefin) which focuses on the themes of Travel and Lifestyle (Beauty, Fashion, Health and Fitness, etc). 

Previously, Sefin wrote on the blog Senja Moktika since 2012 which now only contains the themes of Fiction  (including the special series of Cerita Senja dan Banyu) and personal stories.

Happy reading!


Tentang Sefin

Bernama lengkap Josefine Yaputri, Sefin adalah seorang perempuan Aries yang hobi traveling (termasuk wisata kuliner) dan mencoba hal-hal baru. Belakangan, Sefin senang belajar banyak hal dalam topik Beauty (terutama Skincare, Make Up, dan Hair). Di waktu luangnya, Sefin biasa olahraga kardio, mendengarkan musik Folk, membaca buku, dan browsing di internet.

Kenal Sefin lebih jauh dengan membaca blog The Journale.

About Sefin

With full name of Josefine Yaputri, Sefin is an Arian lady who likes traveling (including culinary exploration) and trying new things. Recently, she likes to learn a lot on the topic of Beauty (especially on Skincare, Make Up and Hair). In her spare time, Sefin usually does cardio exercises, listens to Folk music, reads books, and surfs the internet.

Know Sefin more by reading The Journale blog.


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